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Introducing SupporterBase

Distributed organising helps campaigners grow their movement by empowering a network of committed volunteers to start and lead their own groups.

In recent years, the strategy has become increasingly popular, and for good reason. In the US, the Bernie Sanders 2016 primary campaign has become the poster child for what can be achieved via grassroots, volunteer-led action.

For the strategy to be effective, however, you need the right digital tools. In Australia, we have been honored to work with leading progressive campaigners such as GetUp!, the Australian Conservation Foundation, The Victorian Greens, and the landmark #StopAdani movement, among others, to develop custom digital solutions that empower volunteers.

Having seen the incredible power digital tools can have in supporting distributed organising, we decided to create SupporterBase, a NationBuilder integration for progressives. It gives volunteer leaders the tools they need to find, start and run local groups and, crucially, it makes those tools easy to use. It gives professional organisers the oversight they need, while protecting supporter and volunteer data.

If you want to learn more:

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