Brand Name

Access Levels

  • The permission settings in SupporterBase are designed to provide captains and vice-captains with the autonomy they need to manage their volunteer groups effectively, while still ensuring admins maintain an appropriate level of oversight.

    The below table details the permission and approval settings for supporter group actions.

    It is important to note that for captains and vice-captains, these permission settings only apply to the specific groups where they have been approved as leaders. They will have no access to the people, communications, events or settings of groups they do not lead. Admins, however, are able to exercise these permissions across your entire SupporterBase.


Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
Send 1-1 email
Draft email blasts
Edit email blasts
Target email blasts to filters
Send email blasts Approval required
(by an admin or captain)
Delete email blasts
(can only delete their own)

(can only delete their own)

Email inbox

Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
RSVP the supporter to an event from inside an email thread
Mark emails threads as responded or awaiting response
Reply to an email thread
View all email threads


Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
Send 1-1 SMS
Draft SMS blasts
Edit SMS blasts
Target SMS blasts to filters
Send SMS blasts Approval required
(by an admin or captain)
Delete SMS blasts
(can only delete their own)

(can only delete their own)

SMS inbox

Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
RSVP the supporter to an event from inside an SMS thread
Mark SMS threads as responded or awaiting response
Reply to an SMS thread
View all SMS threads

Phone calls

Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
Make calls from call lists
Add people to call lists
Create & edit call lists
Call an individual supporter


Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
Unpublish events
Create events Approval required
(by an admin or captain)
Edit events
Mark RSVPs as attended
Print RSVP list
Add RSVPs to events
View events


Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
Edit supporter mobile numbers Can be enabled
(deactivated by default)
Edit supporter phone numbers Can be enabled
(deactivated by default)
Edit supporter email addresses Can be enabled
(deactivated by default)
Remove from group Approval required
(by an admin or captain)
Update background note
Update tag filters
Update levels of engagement
Log a contact and/or RSVP


Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
Delete groups
Create new groups
Edit groups
Receive notifications
View supporter contact preferences
Update public group page content
Add new vice-captain Approval required
(by an admin)
Add new captain Approval required
(by an admin)
Add new supporter


Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
Invite new admins
Invite new captains Approval required
(by an admin)
Invite new vice-captains Approval required
(by an admin)
Edit captains & vice-captains
Edit admins
View admins


Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
Download the original CSV file that was imported
View past imports
Import event RSVPs
Import group supporters

Custom filters

Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
Edit, delete or deactivate filters
Add tag filters to groups
Create tag filters
Reorder levels of engagement
Create level of engagement filters


Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
Create new FAQs
Edit FAQs
View FAQs


Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
Configure domains
Customise notification content
Edit app settings

Notifications, emails & approvals

Feature Admin Captain Vice-captain
Host autoresponder when creating an event
In-app notifications for pending approvals
New email blast approval alerts
New SMS blast approval alerts
Confirmation requests to remove a group supporter
Alerts for new events to review & publish
Approval requests to add new captains
Approval requests to add new vice-captains
Editing the email footer content